We Shall Overcome Foundation

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A-1: Did President Donald J. Trump delay rolling out Coronavirus Covid-19 tests so that he, or his surrogates (Jared Kushner?) could negotiate secret kickbacks from private Covid-19 test manufacturers and contractors?

A-2: Is President Donald J. Trump preparing to betray congressional Republicans and his rabid base by backing out of the 2020 presidential elections at the last minute? Can he take losing by a landslide to Biden, or if he should win, does he really want to be stuck for 4-more years with a Democratic House and Senate?

A-3: Will President Trump claim he's lost billions of dollars in business revenue, as a way of justifying his not running for reelection in November 2020?

A-4: Are Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump and other Donald J. Trump loyalists, practicing insider trading with information provided by Trump or his surrogates?

A-5: Did President Trump, his family or his loyalists buy stock in any of the companies providing Covid-19 tests?



Why would Donald J TRUMP collude with Vladimir Putin and Russia to BETRAY AMERICA?
Here's my theory:
In 2014 Russia's state controlled petroleum company, ROSNEFT (bigger than Exxon) and America's EXXON were set to make the biggest oil deal in history - a $500 BILLION venture to extract Russia's massive untapped Arctic and Black Sea oil reserves. This petroleum was supposed to make Russia a major world power. Unfortunately for Putin, however, Obama killed the deal with sanctions after Russia annexed Crimea.
After being elected president (with Putin's considerable help), Trump selected the CEO of Exxon - Rex Tillerson as his secretary of State. -A man he had never met prior to becoming president. -A man with so close a relationship with Russia and Putin that he was given the highest honor Russia can bestow upon non-Russian citizens.
Donald Trump has borrowed hundreds of millions of dollars in (illegally laundered) cash from Russian banks which he cannot repay. He feels he must now do Putin's bidding by lifting Russian sanctions, discrediting NATO and Supporting North Korea in return for Putin not exposing his high crimes, salacious activities and and those of his daughter, and son-in law . These are empirical facts.
If my theory is true, Trump has made the worst deal of his life and unless he chooses to flee to Russia, will be brought to justice in the United States of America. -IG


I couldn't be more humbled or thrilled to share the news that New York District Court judge, The Honorable Denise Cote has ruled that the iconic and revered lyrics and music to, "We Shall Overcome" are now in the public domain and free for the whole world to sing! To God be the glory! 

Thank you to Lee Daniels, Simone Sheffield, Valerie Hoffman, Diana McClure, Phillip Bennie, Simone Sheffield, Dr. Eric Abercrumbie, Dr. Shelly Hamler, Randall Newman, Mark Rifkin, Gloria Melwani  and all of those who have truly supported this cause! 

-And a very special congratulations to our super-hero attorneys; Mark Rifkin, Randall Newman and Gloria Melwani! -Simply the best!

Click on our "News" tab to see the latest or copy and paste the URL address below: 



HRC should bow out of the October 19th presidential debate and deny Trump his final 90 minutes of national flame-throwing toxic infamy.There's no political upside to her being there to receive his desperate verbal abuse.  #ToxicTrump #NoMoreDebates


Why is HILLARY CLINTON considered MORE dishonest by Americans than DONALD TRUMP? The answer is SEXISM! This NPR article cites a Wharton study proving that "women are punished more severely for the same offenses as men".



According to Merriam Webster's dictionary, Pus is a thick, yellowish, foul smelling substance that is produced when a part of the body or a wound becomes infected.  It is a sign of infection or foreign material in the body as it is formed within infected tissue, according to Web MD. 

The 2016 republican presidential nominee, Donald J. Trump is the engorged, pus-filled abscess formed in the infected tissue that has become the American Republican Party. The stinking daily discharge that oozes from Trump's most odious orifice - his mouth - is evidence enough that this bloated boil must be cut open and drained before its too late - too late to save what was once the Republican Party. Perhaps the upcoming presidential debates are just what the doctor ordered.



Black Lives don't Matter in America largely because Blacks are STILL not seen as equal to Whites in America. This is due in part to the fact that the Mainstream American Media is where many racial stereotypes in America are created, nurtured, incubated and disseminated. Why? Because Americans will pay millions of dollars a year to laugh at well-paid White actors humiliate Blacks, and well-paid Black actors humiliate themselves.
The new movie, Ghostbusters is a stunning 2016 example of blatant racism familiarly disguised as good-natured humor and marketed as family entertainment.
African America, actor and Saturday Night Live comedian, Leslie Jones plays a poorly educated racially stereotypical transit worker with an attitude in the new 2016 Ghostbusters move. In response to cries of racism by some outside the mainstream, Jones is quoted as saying, "‘if I’m the stereotype, so be it’. Blacks in America must stop supporting actors like Leslie Jones and laughing WITH those who are laughing AT us, not with us! Comedic racism has always been big business in America but make no mistake, thanks to movies like Ghostbusters and countless others, mainstream America (which includes POLICE OFFICERS) views Blacks, consciously or otherwise, as a sub-class. Ghostbusters, like Racism, is NOT funny. --Isaias Gamboa


Let's be honest. It's become increasingly clear that an alarming number of mainstream American media will not speak openly regarding the true character and intent of the presumptive 2016 Republican Presidential nominee, Donald Trump. -So I will.

Donald Trump is a lying, neo-fascist, racist, xenophobic misogynist. These are FACTS--not opinions. In addition, multiple psychologists including--According to Vanity Fair Magazine--Harvard professor and developmental psychologist, Howard Gardner, who assessed him as "remarkably narcissistic". And in the same article, clinical psychologist, Ben Michaelis assessed him as having, "Textbook narcissistic personality disorder. 

As for Trump being a liar, on March 30, 2016, The Huffington Post confirmed that "Donald Trump Made Up Stuff 71 Times In An Hour". An excerpt from the article stated:

"On Wednesday, The Huffington Post assigned five and a half reporters to look into a roughly 12,000-word transcript of Trump’s town hall event on CNN the night before. It took us hours, but in all, we found 71 separate instances in which Trump made a claim that was inaccurate, misleading or deeply questionable. That’s basically one falsehood every 169 words (counting the words uttered by moderator Anderson Cooper), or 1.16 falsehoods every minute (the town hall lasted an hour, including commercial breaks)."

Did I mention that four of his businesses have declared bankruptcy? Another one of them; "TRUMP UNIVERSITY" is currently being sued by the city of New York for fraud and "deceptive and unlawful practices". The suit was filed by New York Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman. The lawsuit seeks restitution of at least $40 million dollars. In classic Trump fashion, he has asserted that the Judge's hispanic ethnicity may have been a factor in his decision to move ahead with the case.Trumps statements:

 “I believe he happens to be Spanish, which is fine. He’s Hispanic, which is fine. And we haven’t asked for a recusal, which we may do. But we have a judge who’s very hostile.”

Far too many in the media have been silent far too long and instead of denouncing him for the demagogue he is, have given Trump the spotlight--the very attention he craves and uses to manipulate honest, hard-working Americans. . stayed silent for far too long.  

Whether you're a Republican or a Democrat, YOU MUST  KNOW THE TRUTH and SPEAK THE TRUTH. 

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
John 8:32




    On April 12, 2016, the, WE SHALL OVERCOME FOUNDATION (WSO) filed a class action lawsuit against New York Based, THE RICHMOND ORGANIZATION (TRO). Among other things, the WSOF complaint cites:  


"This is an action to declare that, despite their claim to the contrary, Defendants do not own a valid copyright to the musical composition We Shall Overcome (the “Song”) and that the Song is dedicated to public use and in the public domain; and for return of the unlawful licensing fees collected by Defendants pursuant to their wrongful assertion of copyright ownership of the Song." 


 See link to print complaint:



The legendary, Pete Seeger, who is credited with popularizing the song but also listed as an "adapter" on the song's copyright, also believed that "We Shall Overcome" belonged in the public domain. Evidence of Seeger's views are revealed in his 2007 interview with The Guardian regarding the release of Bruce Springsteen's Grammy winning record, "We Shall Overcome: The Pete Seeger Sessions".


Pete Seeger:  “They’re not my songs, they’re old songs,” he said. “I just happened to sing ’em.”

Indeed, Mr. Seeger--indeed.



"If My Jesus Wills / We Shall Overcome" 

Honoring Louise Shropshire

The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra's "Classical Roots" featuring, Emmy winning soprano, Adrienne Dandrich and Pastor Marvin Winans, along with an extraordinary mass choir celebrate Louise Shropshire--the original author of We Shall Overcome. Shropshire's Gospel hymn, "If My Jesus Wills", originally composed sometime between 1932 and 1942 was adapted to become, We Shall Overcome. 

We Shall Overcome...popularized by Pete Seeger, Joan Baez and many others, for more than half a century, most of the world has believed that the author of, We Shall Overcome was "unknown". Thanks to the age of information, recent scholarship has proven that the true original author of, We Shall Overcome-- the iconic anthem of the African American Civil Rights Movement was in fact, Rev. Mother Louise Shropshire and that, We Shall Overcome was adapted from Shropshire's Gospel Hymn,  "If My Jesus Wills". 


HERECY committed by John Legend and Common??

The headlines read; "Glory Wins Best Original Song at Oscars 2015" (Rolling Stone Magazine) 

"Glory" being the deeply moving theme song to the 2014 critically acclaimed film, "Selma" The lyrics to this song: "ONE DAY, WHEN THE GLORY COMES, IT WILL BE OURS, IT WILL BE OURS"

What was wrong with these lyrics? There was no God, without whom there can be no 'glory'.

Having worked in the music business for over 30 years, I suspect that these men believed that in adding God's name to their song, they would not have been standing there in their tuxedos with Oscars in their hands. I suspect that deep in their hearts, they believed that the world would not have exalted them and this song. I suspect it would likely not have won these prestigious awards, or perhaps been selected for use in the film at all. Their suspicions were probably right, but did they make the right decision by denying the name of our creator?

Having prayed to and been delivered from bondage by God, the Hebrews of Egypt made the mistake of losing faith in God's power over their own. As a result, they wandered the desert for 40 years until all of the unfaithful had perished. 

Ironically, in their quest for these coveted Golden idols, John Legend and Common composed a song that clearly conveys a heretic message contrary to the sacred teachings of the bible...and were glorified by the world for doing so.

These lyrics should have read: "One Day, When The Glory Comes, IT WILL BE GOD'S BE GOD'S, IT WILL BE GOD'S". Christian, Jew or Muslim, what other lyric could there be? 

-Yes. It was a beautiful moment , which we as African American people, have so few of. Yes, we were all so very proud of them. However, it is in these very powerful and public moments that our worldly pride is most dangerous to our futures. It is in these moments that we must humble ourselves.

Imagine if, while performing the song live during the Oscars broadcast, John Legend and Common had substituted, 'It Will Be Ours' for "It Will Be God's"? Just imagine the humility and transformative spiritual power of that globally witnessed moment.

I believe the answer to the question; 'what is wrong with John Legend and Common's lyrics', is the answer to why WE HAVE NOT OVERCOME. Such power is in God's hands only and must be recognized to be accessed. Such power does not perish like gold. Fifty years after Bloody Sunday, we are still pounding the pulpit, podium and pavement in pursuit of legislation that will ensure freedom, justice and equality. Perhaps we need to be reminded that, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. always spoke of doing God's will" and that the Edmund Pettus Bridge is not the Yellow Brick Road. It does not lead to the Promised Land.  Without God, there will be no Promised Land - No, 'One Day' or, 'Someday".

"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."

Ava Duvernay's Selma Movie Omits We Shall Overcome!

Bravo to director, Ava Duvernay for her decision in choosing NOT TO use the music of "We Shall Overcome" in her powerful film, "SELMA". Instead, the actors simply mouth the Louise Shropshire's lyrics as another song plays in the background.

For those of you now aware that the iconic freedom song, We Shall Overcome was misappropriated from gospel hymn writer, Louise Shropshire by TRO / Ludlow music,  Pete Seeger and four other folk singers, you must be thrilled to see the powerful film, "Selma", boycott the song. If you listen very closely however, you will instead hear the melody from Louise Shropshire's hymn, "If My Jesus Wills". Bravo, Ava Duvernay. Bravo, "Selma"...and thank you.



I recently posed a question to a large African American church choir: 

"Who freed African American slaves from bondage?", I asked. 

Their answer (by one person...after a long silence): "Abraham Lincoln". I was quite surprised by this answer.

Consider Abraham Lincoln's words in a letter he wrote to the New York Times, a few weeks before signing the Emancipation Proclamation:

"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or destroy Slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that. What I do about Slavery and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save this Union, and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union." -Abraham Lincoln

"Wrong answer", I told the choir.  You see, American slaves did not pray to Abraham Lincoln for freedom, nor did they sing "Go Down Abraham" for comfort, they turned to GOD... for justice and freedom from cruel and inhuman treatment by their sadistic American overseers and owners. 

So why is it then, that when asked, African American church members seem to struggle to come up with this relatively simple answer? In fact, it wasn't until I asked the same choir a follow up-question; "Who freed the Hebrews from Pharaoh?",  that the lightbulbs went on and they answered; GOD.

It seems as though we haven't heard our leaders evoking God's authority in our movement lately. Perhaps because it is no longer politically-correct to do so. Not since April 3, 1968, the day before Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated has God been credited for leading our cause. Perhaps for this reason, we have been wandering. -Wandering like the Hebrews of Egypt who, after being delivered from bondage, lost faith in God'd power and authority to lead them into the Promised Land. Perhaps for nearly 50 years, our people have been wandering the desert of inequality and discrimination for not acknowledging God's power and authority in our long journey in search the Promised Land. 

Perhaps the promise made to African Americans by God, that they would "Overcome", has not yet been fulfilled for this reason. Perhaps our political and religious leaders have intellectualized this struggle with their own words and understanding, hoping, perhaps, to gain notoriety by politely appealing to America's sense of reason. Perhaps they have forgotten what Ephesians 6:10-12 teaches us:

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” 

Lastly, consider the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s final prophetic sermon on April 3, 1968 in Memphis Tennessee - the day before his assassination:

"Well, I don't know what will happen now. We've got some difficult days ahead. But it really doesn't matter with me now, because I've been to the mountaintop.

And I don't mind.

Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land! 

And so I'm happy, tonight.

I'm not worried about anything.

I'm not fearing any man! 

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord!!"

-Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

-Isaias Gamboa
We Shall Overcome Foundation


Negro Lynched for VotingAs we quickly approach the 100th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, we are again reminded that Blacks are still being denied true equality in America and continue to suffer the vestiges of Slavery. 


The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was intended to empower African Americans with constitutionally protected voting rights and protections, which for hundreds of years, had been legally denied them through slavery, the Dred Scott decision, Jim Crow Laws and unfair polling tactics such as poll taxes and literacy tests. Such laws were designed, imposed and enforced to effectively disempower African Americans, who were considered inferior to the mostly Caucasian “ruling classes”. These onerous laws gave rise to an institutionalized system of educational, economic, political and social hindrances and handicaps for Blacks in America. –A well-entrenched system that in 2014, still exists. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed in a genuine and perhaps naive attempt to level the political playing field for Blacks in America.  However, in 2013 United States Supreme Court Justice, John Roberts and his conservative colleagues, dealt a deafening blow to section 4 of this landmark legislation. 


Section 4 of the Voting RIghts Act of 1964 required legislators in many former “slave states” to request “preclearance” by the Justice Department for any proposed voting law changes in their state, thus giving the federal government power to protect and enforce the Voting Rights Act on 1965. Speaking for the republican majority of the Supreme Court, Justice Roberts argued that Section 4 denied “equal sovereignty” to these former slave states—a principle that was successfully argued in defense of the 1857 Dred Scott Case in which the Supreme Court ruled that African Americans were effectively not equal to Whites and would not be recognized as American Citizens. In defense of the court’s decision, Justice Robert’s argued that racism in America and in the South had recoiled itself and stated “…Congress must ensure that the legislation it passes to remedy that problem speaks to the current conditions”. I find the decision of conservative majority Supreme Court Justices, John Roberts; Anthony M. Kennedy; Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito, absurd, farcical, belittling and quite frankly, insulting to Blacks and other Americans, who recognize the deeply rooted anti-Black racism, which is still a pestilence on the everyday lives of African Americans. This ruling must be challenged with courage and determination.


Certainly, there have been positive changes to the curse of racism in America--perhaps most notably in the election of President Barack Obama, America’s first African American President. To suggest however, as does Justice Roberts, that such a change is evidence that the disease of racism is all but eradicated, is tantamount to celebrating the arrival of a cancer patient’s new wig. The election of President Obama may in fact indicate signs of future change but is by no means evidence of a level political playing field for Blacks in America. As some may recall, President Obama, arguably the most influential African American in America, was recently and publically referred to as a “nigger” by New Hampshire Police Chief, Robert Copeland (now resigned). When asked to apologize, Copeland refused, stating: [President Obama] “meets and exceeds my criteria for such [not apologizing]".  Clearly Robert Copeland spoke his mind without considering the repercussions but his dark thoughts have illuminated the truth that racism is still alive and well in America. Only a dishonest person would suggest there are not many millions of Americans, who share Copeland's deeply rooted racist and poisonous sentiments. –Sentiments that are known to expose their fangs at election time. 


Perhaps Justice Roberts and the other conservative justices are simply eager to sweep such serious racial issues under the judicial rug. Or perhaps they just are so detached from the lives of African Americans that they simply don’t see the degree of racism that still exists.  On the other hand, perhaps they themselves (Clarence Thomas included) harbor their own racist views towards Blacks. 


In 2012 an Associated Press poll found that “a slight majority of Americans now express prejudice against Blacks whether they recognize those feelings or not”. Although one would expect that racial tolerance would improve with the election of President Obama, it appears the opposite is true. The AP poll found that 51 percent of Americans expressed anti-Black attitudes as opposed to 48 percent in a similar 2008 survey. Adding to that, Jon Krosnik, a Stanford University professor, who helped prepare the report, concluded; “As much as we'd hope the impact of race would decline over time ... it appears the impact of anti-black sentiment on voting is about the same as it was four years ago“ 


So, where does that leave Blacks now? How can the Supreme Court’s ruling be overturned in order to uphold the rights and remedies allowed for in the 1965 Voting Rights Act?  Perhaps there needs to be a more powerful solution to the problem of racism and discrimination in America. Perhaps African Americans can no longer solely rely on the justice system to do the right thing. Now is the time for Blacks in America to demand the passage of the U.S. African American Restoration Act and proclaim: “We're mad as hell and we're not gonna take it anymore” 


-Isaias Gamboa




Adam Serwer/ March/19/14 http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/demeaning-insult-chief-justice-john-roberts-voting-rights-act-decision


John Schwartz/ June-25-2013 / Between the Lines of the Voting Rights Act decision /http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2013/06/25/us/annotated-supreme-court-decision-on-voting-rights-act.html?_r=0


Wikipedia / Jim Crow Laws / http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Crow_laws

Lucy Mccalmont / 5-19-2014 




Sonya Ross and Jennifer Agiesta / Oct. 27, 2012





LOS ANGELES, Calif.Oct. 5, 2013 -- Isaias Gamboa, founder and of the "WE SHALL OVERCOME FOUNDATION, a non-profit organization, which produced the CIncinnati, Ohio tribute and awards gala, "WE SHALL OVERCOME ~ AN EVENING OF HOPE: THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF LOUISE SHROPSHIRE, commented today on the award bestowed upon Oscar nominated movie director, Lee Daniels on September 27, 2013. 

"It's was an honor for the WE SHALL OVERCOME FOUNDATION to recognize Lee Daniels superb directorial work in "Lee Daniels The Butler" by presenting him with the WE SHALL OVERCOME FOUNDATION 'OSCAR MICHEAUX FREEDOM AWARD'.  Mr. Daniels deserves recognition for the masterpiece he has directed and the historical consideration and accuracy with which he executed his vision."

This was the first annual WE SHALL OVERCOME FOUNDATION'S "EVENING OF HOPE", which among other things, was a tribute to Cincinnati's own, Louise Shropshire; the newly discovered author of the iconic freedom song, We Shall Overcome. The event also presented awards to Civil Rights icons, Rev. Otis Moss Jr., Rev. Dr. Damon Lynch Jr., four-time gold medal Olympian, Harrison Dillard and Simone Sheffield;  co-producer of "Lee Daniels The Butler. 

The historic gala featured a 15-church mass choir and 35-piece SCPA Youth Symphony and was co-emceed by Dr. P. Eric Abercrumbie, director of Minority Student Affairs at the University of Cincinnati along with Dr. Tonya Matthews, President and CEO of the Michigan Science Center and former VP of the Cincinnati Museum Center. The very successful event was held at the Inspirational Baptist Church in Forest Park, Ohio - a suburb of Cincinnati, and well-attended by a 'who's who' of Cincinnati's prominent educators, religious leaders, public servants and business professionals.


Lee Daniels is perhaps best known for his Academy Award winning film PRECIOUS: BASED ON THE NOVEL PUSH BY SAPPHIRE. The film was adapted from the New York Times- bestselling novel Push by Sapphire (a.k.a. Ramona Lofton). PRECIOUS was nominated for six Academy Awards, including nominations for Daniels in the category of "Achievement in Directing" and "Best Motion Picture of the Year, and wins in the categories of "Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role" and "Best Writing, Adapted Screenplay."

Daniels was the first African American to be nominated for a Director's Guild of America Award for "Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Feature Film" on behalf of PRECIOUS. The film won both the Grand Jury Prize and Audience Award in the U.S. Dramatic Competition at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival, only the third film in Festival history to do so. It was also nominated for three Golden Globe awards including "Best Picture Drama," and was nominated for eight NAACP Image Awards, six of which it won, in categories including "Outstanding Motion Picture" and "Outstanding Directing in a Motion Picture, Theatrical or Television." The film also garnered a total of five 2010 Independent Spirit Awards, including "Best Feature" and "Best Director."

Daniels' production company, Lee Daniels Entertainment, made its feature film debut with MONSTER'S BALL, making Daniels the sole African-American producer of an Oscar®- winning and Oscar®-nominated film. Daniels also produced THE WOODSMAN which was nominated for three Independent Spirit Awards. The film received the CICAE Arthouse Prize at the Cannes Film Festival, the Jury Prize at the Deauville International Film Festival, and Special Mention for Excellence in Filmmaking from the National Board of Review.


The We Shall Overcome Foundation, established by Isaias Gamboa in 2004, is a faith based non-profit organization, which is dedicated to the spiritual, educational, social and economic survival and well-being of humankind irrespective to nationality, race or gender.







Pete Seeger's Communist Confession

The dispicable Boston Marathon tragedy underscores the fact that we are at a turbulent time in American history. A time when patriotism is valued above all. Although We Shall Overcome is, in its own way, as American as the Star Spangled Banner, those who misappropriated the song, were not.

In an interview with the grandson of Louise Shropshire, the true author of We Shall Ovrcome, in addition to his admissions regarding the misappropriation of We Shall Overcome, Pete Seeger admits to having joined the Communist party in 1945, the same year Nazi Germany fell. In actuality, Seeger joined the Young Communist's league in 1936, while only 17 years old. He officially joined The Communist Party in 1942, during a time when Jews were being burned to death by Hitler's Nazis and one year after the Pearl Harbor bombing. What kind of man is Seeger, really?

I realize we don't blacklist people in this country for choosing to be communists, that would be unamerican, but perhaps we should not celebrate them either. No doubt it will be easier for Americans to understand how Seeger might have lied for 53 years about We Shall Overcome, knowing how Pete Seeger proudly waved his Communist banner, while Hitler burned babies, and the Battleships, USS Arizona, USS Tennessee, USS Nevada, USS California, USS Oklahoma, USS Maryland, USS West Virginia andUSS Pennsylvania, sank to the bottom of the ocean. I'm just saying...



We Shall Overcome; A Matter of Trust

Tomorrow, April 4 2013 is the 45th anniversary of Rev. Dr martin Luther King's assassination. During his last sermon, commonly referred to as his "mountaintop speech" delivered the night before, he spoke of singing "We Shall Overcome" after being arrested.

Tomorrow, April 4, 2013. I, the grandson of Louise Shropshire and the lawyer representing the heirs of Louise Shropshire; Yakub Hazzard, will share a final meeting before the illegitimate claimants of We Shall Overcome, TRO / Ludlow Music Publishing are confronted. TRO will be directed to install Louise Shropshire's name to We Shall Overcome as the song's true, long lost Author. We are all praying that they indeed, do the right thing. If not, God's wrath will surely be poured upon them. I will keep you posted.

We will not stop short of victory.




Barack Obama Wins Four More Years!!

In an overwhelming re-election victory, President Barack Obama sweeps Mitt Romney to serve Americans for four more years. Latinos, African Americans, Asians and Caucasian Americans unite!!! TIME FOR REPARATIONS, PEOPLE!!!!! If Not Now...When???



Pres. Obama Wins Big in Last Night's Debate

As difficult as it has been to watch Governor Mitt Romney during these presidential debates, Pres. Obama made it all worthwhile last night, landing blow after blow to Romney's plutocratic chin. Lybia, foreign policy, women's reproductive rights, and the economy were major points of discussion and in the end, President Obama threw the knockout blow; confronting Romney's idiotic comment behind closed doors that he didn't care about the 47% of Americans, who do not support his agenda.

"Binders Full of Women"really Mr. Romney??? Popular female news anchors, Alex Witt, Tamron Hall, Erin Burnett, Rachel Maddow, Soledad Obrien, Melissa Harris Perry, Krystal Ball and S.E Cupp can't help but agree; Romney does not care about women and Pres. Obama does! BRAVO Mr. President! FOUR MORE YEARS!


Rebublican Convention...a Den of Lies

It has been difficult to watch the 2012 Republican National Convention. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are running for the highest political offices in the country based on outright lies. Paul Ryan, Chris Christie, Ann Romney and Condaleeza Rica have mislead the country's less-informed republican voters with lies about President Obama. -Not exaggerations...lies.

We Christians know who the "father of Lies" is, don't we? When Mitt Romney lies, he speaks his native language.

I am for Obama in 2012. Obama will help the poor and needy, Romney wants to help the rich and cut vital programs benefiting the disinfranchised in America.

Obama cares about us. The choice is clear.


Rebublican Convention...a Den of Lies

It has been difficult to watch the 2012 Republican National Convention. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are running for the highest political offices in the country based on outright lies, Paul Ryan, Chris Christie, Ann Romney and Condaleeza Rica have mislead the country's less-informed republican voters with lies about President Obama. -Not exagerrations...lies.

We Christians know who the "father of Lies" is, don't we? When Mitt Romney lies, he speaks his native language.

I am for Obama in 2012. Obama will help the poor and needy, Romney wants to help the rich and cut vital programs benefiting the disinfranchised in America. The choice is clear.


Man of God - Man of Morehouse.

This week, I have been in Atlanta Georgia to share in my son's freshman orientation..a week-long event. As many know, Morehouse is the Alma Mater of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and for me, this fact associated with delivering my first-born son to this revered institution, has made being here a truly extraordinary experience for me. My son is now considered a "Man of Morehouse" but above all, I am most proud of the fact that he is without question...a man of God.


Gabby Douglass gives God her Gold!

With divine humility, Gabby Douglass makes history as the first African-American and first woman of color in Olympic history to become the individual all-around champion. Perhaps most notably, she is the first American gymnast to win gold in both the individual all-around and team competitions at the same Olympics.

Gabby's tweet: "Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things he does for me."

-A true child of God.



JUST RELEASED! Explosive We Shall Overcome book!

This week, by the grace of God, my new book; "We Shall Overcome; Sacred Song on the Devil's Tongue" was published. The book describes in shocking detail, how this iconic song was misappropriated by Pete Seeger and four other folk singers from a sacred Gospel Song. The song's true author. Louise Shropshire; was never recognized. This book will rewrite history! Please read it!

Click on our home page to purchase!

Thank you,


Presidential Pardons - Racially Biased

Journalist Dafna Linzer reveals in her fascinating new study, that people who are white and well-connected are 400% more likely to receive presidential pardons from the US Department of Justice/ Office of the Pardon Attorney than minorities-proving there is still much more racism in America than meets the eye. According to previous unreleased government data, Blacks have had the poorest chance of receiving the president's ultimate act of mercy,

Denied: An unemployed African American man from the District who sought a pardon to improve his financial stability and better care for his son. He was recommended for denial because he lacked financial stability. The applicant was 19 at the time of his only conviction, for selling 15 grams of crack cocaine. The pardon office noted that he had a post-incarceration bankruptcy and that his son was born “out of wedlock.” Children born outside marriage to another black applicant were described as “illegitimate.”

Pardoned: Seven white applicants with children from what the pardon office described as “previous” or “non-marital relationships.” At least three white applicants with bankruptcies, including one person who filed twice.

Is This Herman Cain on Drugs???

Unbelievable!! Herman Cain draws a blank on a question regardind Libya. Like I said; he is an insult to the intelligence of all Americans. See Video at link below




Herman Cain?? We Democrats know better, however it is truly an insult to the intelligence of Repubican Americans for Herman Cain to be propped up as a viable candidate for the Republican presidential nomination. Politics is a blood-sport and Herman Cain had to know this day would come. The day America exposed him as a fat-cat trying to get even fatter. He is simply taking one for his party and has responded to the accusations of sexual harrassment, in the way CEO's always have and always will. Sharon Bialek is just the tip of his dirty iceberg. Lets move on, America.

Herman Cain was and remains nothing more than a way for the Republican party to make Mitt Romney look good. Either way; tonight's Republican debate was a win for Democrats!

We Shall Overcome...Pete Seeger Exposed!

I have recently finished my 4-CD, 5-Hour audio-book: We Shall Overcome: Sacred Song on the Devil's Tongue. It is an exraordinary account of how the most powerful song of the 20th century; "We Shall Overcome" was hijacked from an African-American composer, Baptist Chior Director and friend of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., by Pete Seeger and others. This remarkable Audio-book proves it!

Please tell us what you think about this shameful act.

Now available on Amazon.com